If you are a scFLOW user, you probably know that MSC Software also offers a range of products that go beyond CAD and familiarize you with the design environment. One of the powerful computing capabilities that can give users an edge in solution accuracy over other products on the market is the speed and flat learning curve, which allows it to be used in a variety of applications such as 3D modeling, simulation, and simulation tools, as well as in the design of new products. MSC One example is flow simulation, which enables designers to test fluid behavior and heat transfer in addition to their existing 3D models.
An important example of this is networking, which influences the solution time and accuracy results. Here are some tips on how to create better meshes and ensure the accuracy of your simulation results!
Cleaning Geometry

Clean geometry requires that it is enclosed and free from geometric defects. It should be firm and have a smooth surface, with no gaps, no cracks, and a clear line of sight to the center of the object. Ensuring that the geometry is clearly defined and simplified is often the difference between a clean geometry and one filled with cells.
First, a geometric box is created, and in order to work in SC/Tetra, the region needs to be refined and a number of regional refinements applied.
The Refinement

The refinement of the boundary layer (inflation) is a crucial meshing parameter that is sometimes overlooked by those who are new to CFD simulation. Boundary layer refinements maintain the selected turbulence model while increasing accuracy, effectively increasing the accuracy of both internal and external surface geometry.
This means that computing time has to be balanced with accuracy, which is crucial for large and complex meshes. A proper mesh convergence study will ensure that the mesh is as accurate as possible, but even that is optimal. This of course means that all mesh options have a significant increase in quality and accuracy - which is why mesh quality is so important.
This blog post does not teach you how to network, but what networking tools and strategies you should use. It will point out errors in order to avoid that the solver is satisfied and has a simulation report ready for the next meeting. Many of today's meshing tools offer a number of options for creating CFD meshes, such as mesh converters, filters, and meshes with multiple iterations. However, the first iteration of an automated network is often useless for meaningful CFD simulations.
This problem should not and cannot be solved by fine-tuning the parameters and settings during the simulation, but by using a mesh converter.
If you need a more detailed explanation, you will find here how to select and define the boundary conditions for your simulation. Post-processing is the last step in the CFD workflow and allows you to visualize the simulation results and make decisions about design optimizations. Follow these steps to set up a simulation and get the desired results.
scSTREAM achieves this by performing innumerable runs to explore various solutions and procedures, analyze the results, and explore the physics of the application. The constantly evolving functionality of scSTREAM and its constantly available tools offer valuable tools to companies that are entrusted with performing CFD analyses. Download this case study for free to learn how the scSTREAM platform is used to study sewer systems and optimize their performance.
One of the biggest bottlenecks is that it is predominantly a manual process in the CFD workflow. A net is a liquid domain divided into small volumes with equations that can be solved using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). M is solved simultaneously across systems without shifting the boundaries, and M.
At this point, the CFD engineer spends painful hours trying to reach a network, which is eventually released by the solver.
CFD problems have the same workflow, which can be divided into three basic steps. This can happen if one does not abide by the unwritten rules of networking, but it can also happen in other ways.
A good CAD geometry with only one defect is crucial for the setup of a CFD analysis. The pre-processing of the CFD workflow includes the gearing of the geometry as well as the determination of material properties and initial boundary conditions. At the end of this preparation phase, the geometries should be clean, waterproof, and solid.
scFlow simulation does all the hard work for you by placing the cells where they are most needed. Since the solver does not need to be restarted for refinement, you can enable solutions such as adaptive networking with existing simulations and continue the calculations to immediately see the impact of improved accuracy.
An experienced CFD analyst is able to get you up and running with simulations with most commercial solvers. If you have any questions, you can contact us for more information about the scFlow software or one of our other solutions.
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